Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where the Magic Happens

So I have to admit, I got a little emotional when I saw the Capitol Building up close. When I was in D.C. over a decade ago, they were restoring the dome and there was ugly scaffolding around the top. However, I got the full monty this time around.

A fountain and the House of Representatives.

Looking toward the Senate.

A close-up of the Senate.

This is the side that faces the Mall.

One of the highlights of my day was when I was looking at these statues and red flowers behind the Capitol building. There was a couple next to me speaking Spanish, and I heard a distinct "po" at the end of one of the sentences, which is a distinct Chileanismo. They saw me looking at them and asked if I wanted them to take their picture. I asked them if they were Chilean and they said yes and we chatted briefly. These kinds of connections are one of the reasons I love to travel!

The doofy picture of me my Chilean friends took.

I don't remember what these statues were.

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