Monday, July 25, 2011

Memorial Photo Shoot Part I: WWII

The presence of water and trees was encouraging, although to be honest it didn't feel any less like 117 degrees, which was the "feels like" temperature forecast with humidity factored in, at the WWII Memorial than it did at the White House. This did not stop us from taking goofy pictures every chance we could. The great part about traveling with a friend, especially a friend like Chris, who I have no shame in front of, is that you can get all those pictures you've been dying to take but have been too ashamed to ask a stranger to take of you!

I love the fountain and the majesty of the WWII Memorial. It's quite a tribute to the war.

Each star represents 100 soldiers who died in combat.

This is the only pose and distance that hid how much I was sweating!

Celebrating my homeland.

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