Friday, December 19, 2008

Puerto Natales

Sarah left me early the next morning after our taste of Patagonia, with plans to meet me later in the day in Punta Arenas. I had the morning to myself for a bike ride through the surrounding countryside in Puerto Natales. I appreciated the alone-time, as I had been with friends for what felt like several weeks straight, and I needed just a few hours by myself to recharge. It was a beautiful day for a ride, not too hot, with a light breeze and overcast skies that turned my pictures a bit dark but provided a beautiful backdrop to peddle past. I rode along the shores for awhile, and then turned inland and began to ride through the estancias. After an hour, I turned back and snapped a few pictures, although most of the sheep were grazing too far away to get pictures of. I really enjoyed taking time to snap pictures of the random findings of my journey. I also was surprised as I was riding back toward Natales as a fox ran across my road! I squawked at it, and he gave me a cursory glance before continuing on his way.

Most of these pictures don't need captions, and all were taken during my bike ride.

I ate lunch at my hostel in a simple cafe, where I wrote post cards and sipped my last Chilean beer, my favorite the Kunstmann Toro Bayo. I ate a pumpkin soup (pumpkin being nearly my favorite food in Chile!) with mozarella. I then hopped a bus to Punta Arenas, my final destination in Chile. Animal sighting of the day: From my window on the bus, I saw a mama ñandú and four little babies running around behind her! Ñandús are ostrict-like birds that run around the grasslands of Patagonia. Again, spring is the time to be here, man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have just been reading your blog! I am enjoying it very much! I lived in Chile in high school and went to University there. I am going back to do Ingles Abre Puertas in July, 2009 and am finding your blog very fun and informative!

Thanks for writing!