Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Early Saturday Morning at Union Station

The week Chris left town, I realized that my time in DC was about halfway done and if I wanted to see everything that was left on my "To Do" list, I would have to be strategic. My frist step in strategic sight-seeing planning was to make a reservation for a tour of the Capitol Building. For 9:10 on a Saturday morning! As it turns out, I tend to wake up at 6:30 or 7 without even trying on the weekends, so in the extra time I had, I decided to go to Union Station, check it out, then walk over to the Capitol Building.

I had accidentally gone to Union Station once before when I wasn't paying attention on the Metro and missed my stop, but I stayed underground and missed all the grandiose architecture. Since I was there so early on a Saturday, all of the shops and stands inside the station were closed. I also met a down-on-his-luck character who saw me taking pictures and offered to take my picture; my instincts told me he was going to steal my camera so I politely thanked him and walked away. I am glad I got to see the station on such a beautiful Saturday morning! Sometimes, there is nothing more enlivening than being up early on a beautiful day. I couldn't resist taking a bunch of pictures when the sky looked like it did!

Inside the ceilings were stately white and gold.

I never tire of taking pictures of American flags against the beautiful DC skies.

Christopher Columbus statue.

Looking toward the Columbus statue with Union Station in the background.

Then, it was on to the Capitol Building!

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