Sunday, May 25, 2008

Termas de Chillan

Just when I start to get pissy in Chile, something amazing happens to remind me how lucky I am to be here. This week, it was a Ministry-funded day trip to the Termas de Chillan, a ski resort that has fun off-season activities too. We headed out of el centro at 8:30 for an hour and fifteen minute van ride to a resort, where we were met by an amazing breakfast in the dining room. After breakfast, we headed up the hill behind the resort for a hike in the beautiful landscape. It was invigorating to get out and climb after gorging ourselves on eggs, cheese, ham, cereal, yogurt, fruit, and (since it is Chile) bread, bread, bread!

A view of the resort area from partway up the hill.

Some trees I liked because they reminded me of Tim Burton movies.

The gringos take a hike!
Steph and I near the cheeks are looking a little rosy!

A view of the top.
I enjoyed the colors of the vegetation and volcanic rock.

A ruined bath house of some sort, shrouded in steam from the geysers.

The gringos made it to the top! From left, Sarah, Steph, me, Stacey, Delaney (our pal and fellow volunteer from Los Angeles who by chance joined us for the day!), Andrew.

This picture is for Mom and Dad, because we had a St. Bernard until I was in kindergarten. This was Carla, our hiking companion. She labored up the hill and looked ready for a nap. I love her!

A look back down the mountain to the ski area and across the cordillera.

After our morning in the hills, we were rewarded with a swim in a pool at the resort, filled with volcanic water that was dark, murky, and vaguely sulfuric. I swam for almost an hour, and as a result I am ashamed to say my arms are sore today.

Happy gringos in the pool!

After our dip in the pool, we again gorged ourselves on an amazing meal: pisco sours, appetizers including ceviche, palm hearts wrapped with meat, salmon fishstickes, cheese and seafood empanadas, an elaborate salad bar (complete with my new love, beets), lomo (I think it is like backstrap steak...) in wine sauce, and a dessert bar, where I indulged in creme brulee and some sort of fruity cake. Yummy!

Appetizers at the fire place.

After lunch, we were feeling a little drowsy but our senses quickly snapped to attention because it was time to zip line! I have never been zip lining before, but it was an amazing experience. We were treated to a series of ten lines across a breathtaking river ravine in the shadow of two snow-covered volcanic peaks. I was pretty nervous the first few times, but after that it got really fun, except that until I learned how to hold my hands right, I kept flipping around backwards. The setup: a guy attached your equipment to the steel cable, and then you sort of run or jump off the side of a cliff or a platform and whiz across the line, so quickly you barely have time to enjoy the view or the height. Then, another guy catches you on the other side and helps you detach from the cable. You walk to the next station, and the whole process starts over. This is how we zig-zagged back and forth across the ravine.

Pumping ourselves up for the first leap.

Learning how to not die and getting nervous.

A view from one of the platforms.

That white speck in the green trees is my helmet!

After our zip line adventure, we got to go back in the pool, and then enjoyed onces back in the lodge. I sat outside on the porch with Carla and looked at the stars.

Steph is tired after our long day!

Some days, I am still surprised that I live in Chile. I can't believe how lucky I am to be doing the things I am doing and seeing all these wonders. I feel like more and more every day, Chile becomes a part of me. Everything is changing.

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